Goblins Comic Wiki

Character Template Changes?[]

Is it possible to alter the template to allow for more information? Personally, I'd like to allow for "Title" and "Clan." Since Kin has both, I placed her title in the "Nickname" field and left off her clan entirely. I'm sure there are other examples of info that might be pertinent to characters.

Also, is there a template for groups? I'd like to have an infobox to use for the Goblin Adventuring Party, the Viper Clan, the various adventuring parties that pop up, etc. -- Yehonatan 02:36, September 2, 2009 (UTC)

I have no idea. However I would suggest asking in the forum thread as well, as it may get noticed more there. --Solar Granulation 17:20, September 3, 2009 (UTC)